LNZ Legal Firm LLP — Law Firm Serving Windsor and Ontario


Landlord Tenant Board Ontario

We represent your interests at the Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario, whether you are in Windsor, Ontario or anywhere else in Ontario.

Whether you are a landlord or tenant, we will represent your rights at the Landlord Tenant Board

LNZ has helped landlords and tenants appear before the Landlord Tenant Board Tribunal or to resolve matters privately between landlord and tenant(s). 

Landlord Tenant Board Matters we Commonly Litigate

L1: Application to Evict a Tenant for Non-payment of Rent and to Collect Rent the Tenant Owes

In Ontario, the L1 Application is the official form used by landlords to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent. This process is often used when a tenant has not paid their rent, and the landlord wishes to seek an eviction order.

L2: Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant or Collect Money

The L2 Application is the official form used by landlords to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to end a tenancy and potentially evict a tenant or collect money for reasons other than non-payment of rent. The L2 Application is typically used in situations where the landlord believes there has been a violation of the tenancy agreement or a breach of the Residential Tenancies Act, such as termination of tenancy for illegal activities, substantial interference with reasonable enjoyment, damage to the rental unit, etc..

L4: Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant – Tenant Failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order

The L4 Application is the official application used by landlords to apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to end a tenancy and evict a tenant for failing to meet the conditions of a settlement or order that was previously issued by the LTB. This application is used when a tenant has agreed to certain conditions or terms in a settlement agreement or when an LTB order was issued, but the tenant has failed to comply with those conditions.

About the Landlord-Tenant Board of Ontario

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) in Ontario, Canada, is a government agency responsible for resolving disputes between landlords and tenants. Its primary role is to enforce the Residential Tenancies Act, which sets out the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants in the province.

The LTB provides a forum for resolving various types of disputes, commonly including but not limited to:

  1. Evictions: Landlords can apply to the LTB to evict tenants for reasons such as non-payment of rent, breaches of the lease agreement, or the landlord’s intention to use the property for their own use.

  2. Rent Increases: The LTB regulates the maximum allowable rent increases and handles disputes related to rent increases above the guideline.

  3. Maintenance and Repairs: Tenants can apply to the LTB if their landlord fails to maintain the property or make necessary repairs.

  4. Illegal Entry and Harassment: The LTB addresses cases involving landlords who enter the rental unit without proper notice or engage in harassment of tenants.

  5. Lease Violations: Disputes arising from violations of the lease agreement can be brought to the LTB for resolution.

    The LTB aims to provide a fair and accessible process for both landlords and tenants to resolve their issues. It typically involves mediation and adjudication to reach decisions and issue orders to resolve disputes. Parties can represent themselves or seek legal representation, and the LTB’s decisions are legally binding.

    The rules and procedures for the Landlord and Tenant Board in Ontario may change over time, so it’s essential to consult the official website or seek legal advice to get the most up-to-date information on the process and regulations.

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